Monday, September 26, 2011

Machine Head con Sepultura

I have to say I'm pretty excited that the first band I will go to see in Chile, just so happens to be my favourite band of all time, Machine Head. Some time ago I wrote a detailed post on another blog of mine about my history of liking the band.

Fits in quite well with a project I am doing for my university course, which deals with the concept of memories themselves.

The support act are not shabby themselves, South American metal gurus Sepultura. With not all that much to contest it, I've really steered clear of the "big" shows, mainly due to financial reasons, but there will be no surprise if I go to do my "Best shows" list at the end of the year, and this show is at the top.

Should be a great experience, only a few days after we arrive. Just one month later, Parkway Drive will play there first South American shows, so I hope I can get along to that too. I was looking through some Gig Guides the other day, and things are looking pretty good for a music scene in Chile.

From today it's just twenty days until we touch down in Santiago. Not a whole lot of time remaining...